As a clairvoyant, I see pictures of one's life. I see past, present, and future, and on occasion past life information comes through. I see these pictures like one sees pictures in a photograph, dream, or on a movie screen. Like movies they are sometimes entire scenes, and sometimes the pictures are like those in dreams, often fragmented and like pieces of a puzzle. Usually you will know what those mean, and confirm what they are as they don't always make sense to me, but to you they will. I'm also shown names, dates, events, and other specific information. In sharing what I see as a clairvoyant, greater clarity comes to you. The word clairvoyant itself is from French & Latin words, "clair" meaning clear, and "voyant" and "voir" meaning to see.
As a medium I can communicate with loved ones on the other side, connect our earthly world with the world of Spirit. Spiritual beings close to you who have passed on will often “step forward” as they know what I do, know we are meeting, and simply show up for you if they have something to say or to remind you they are with you on your path. We may be talking about something I see going on in your life clairvoyantly and a loved one will “pop in” to get our attention and I always share these communications, as it takes a lot of energy for them to meet us. Sometimes they even present themselves before we meet. If you wish to connect with a particular person who has passed, it may help to think of a loved one prior to our meeting but ultimately I have little control over who may show up or not as Spirit decides who will come through, and when. Expect the expected, and often the unexpected in this regard.
As a clairvoyant I look at your life, and events in your life. As a medium I relay messages from those on the other side who have crossed over. Often, the readings are a combination of the two abilities working together. It’s true that all mediums are psychic, but not all psychics are mediums.
What else to expect...
During your session, we’ll take a big picture look at your life. I’ll begin by sharing what it is I see and acknowledge anyone from Spirit throughout the hour. Only information that is for the highest good and that is important for you to know at this time will come through. Feel free to ask questions and confirm as I share what I get. You will have the opportunity to ask specific questions later in the reading, so you may find it helpful to write down your questions in advance. Many times by the time we get to your questions we have touched on them already. We can also spend the session concentrating on one particular issue, but don’t be surprised if other information comes through, too. It will! Just be open, and willing to allow that information, trusting it is for your highest good.
I read for such an incredibly diverse group and groups of people including other psychics. It is fascinating! I welcome everyone. Psychics are a diverse group too, and I personally don’t need objects, pictures, or work with crystals or crystal balls, or read tarot, although many terrific readers do, so you don’t need to bring anything but yourself to your appointment and any specific questions you may have, but you are welcome to. I do ask that you come with an open mind and heart.
What I don't do...
Although I may receive information relating to issues within the physical body including medical conditions I am not a doctor. You must rely on your medical practitioners for medical care and advice.
A limited number of Urgent readings are available by appointment and are guaranteed within two months. Regular appointments are fully booked for 2025.
2026 rates are $450, and $600 for Urgent readings.
All readings are available via phone, virtually, or in person.
If you need to reschedule or cancel your appointment please notify us within 24 hours, by text or voicemail at 734.394.8177 so that I may fill the time allotted for someone else. I do have a waitlist. Thank you!
You may record your reading with your own audio recording device or take notes, as well. I encourage you to record your session for future reference.